Lovevery Play Kits are well-loved by many, so unsurprisingly many parents were asking to create play kits for older children.
I was skeptical at first, because ever since my kid turned 3 he was pretty much into all these colorful toys he got to play with at preschool, and characters like Paw Patrol were unbeatable. I wasn’t entirely sure if he was going to play with anything from Lovevery at this point. I was so wrong – Lovevery is so worth it for 4 year olds!
We started with The Persister Play Kit and then received The Planner Play Kit. I’ll also mention that in the meantime I ended up getting the Block Set which was supposed to be for my 2-year-old, but quite quickly my 4-year-old son became the prime user of the blocks as they offered endless possibilities, especially when combined with little figurines from previous kits – such as camping kit from The Free Spirit Play Kit.

The Persister Play Kit
This Play Kit supports your child’s frustration tolerance with tools and games that motivate them to revisit challenging tasks and build the strength to persist.
The Calming Circle with little rainbow balls is my son’s favorite item and he loves doing the breathing exercises with it, which surely surprised me as he’s an extremely active child.
Path Builder Marble Maze can be a good portable toy that a child can totally play with without needing an adult’s help – which is what most parents would want!
The kit consists of a Montessori Movable Alphabet Game, which I thought was going to be too basic for my son who already started Kindergarten early, but he enjoys playing with it. The little cards make it easy for kids to match the letters and make up the word, so I’m sure it can help kids a year later as well when they start learning to read in Kindergarten.
The tracing pad can be used with it and my son finds it way more fun to practice his writing skills that way, than having to trace letters on a regular book. Don’t ask me how and why it makes things more attractive to him, but it does. The crayon obviously will have to be replaced at some point, but that’s not a big deal.

The Planner Play Kit
This Play Kit is meant to practice planning ahead and experiment.
The clock that comes with me can teach the child time sense, not just how to clock works as it comes with 5, 10, and 15-minute increments. It pairs with a mini clock that can show your child where the time has to look the same as on the big clock. It’s a big game changer and a completely different thing than the popular timers that just beep when it’s time to go.
Rover game is my son’s favorite as it introduces kids to the fundamentals of coding, but more importantly, it teaches critical thinking. The child can practice sequencing. Of course, one can say that the same game can be done on the iPad, but the fact that it doesn’t require screens is refreshing.
Then, there’s the Flex-Four Pattern Match which is basically a puzzle with different inserts. As it comes as a little bag it can make a great travel toy for the plane or car rides.
Fan fan-favorite marble run is always a hit. We’ve already had a marble run, so I didn’t expect much, but both kids love this wooden version so much.
My personal favorite thing in this case is the dominos. All other dominos I see are the classic ones, or character ones. This set is unique as it makes it easy for a child to look at the domino and identify the number of the dots without having to count them one by one. How? On the back, they have finger counts, ten frames, and images with different objects.
As usual, both kits we try also come with age-appropriate game ideas that parents can use when playing with their children.
Lovevery Books for 4 Year Olds
One thing that surprised me was that everyone always raves about Lovevery books, but the ones included in 4 year old kits were a total fail for my son. My son is a total bookworm and would always pick a book when brought to a giant toy store (we just took him to Hamleys in London and after browsing through 6 floors of toys he asked for a book).
He expressed absolutely zero interest in Lovevery books claiming there’s not enough in them for him. I’m not sure why, as he enjoyed watching movies with real actors, but the books are collecting dust at our house, while my friends’ kids adore these books. Just goes to show how unique every child is.

Lovevery Play Kits for 4 Year Olds: Verdict
Overall, I’m positively surprised with the new Lovevery Play Kits. I didn’t expect my son to use them as much as he does and I’m sure they’ll be fun for my younger son once he’s a bit older!
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