Baby registries are a big thing these days.
Before I had my first baby my impression was that the baby registry was a wishlist to send people coming to your baby shower. Little did I know that even if you don’t have a baby shower or a lot of people who want to gift things for your baby, baby registries can save you a ton of money and send freebies.
I learned all the tricks for my second baby, so I can share it with you. I know that creating a registry can be time-consuming and even stressful for first-time pregnant mamas who are ready to register for baby stuff, but don’t know where to start.
Best Tips for Creating a Baby Registry
1. Register Early
Start your registry as early as entering the second trimester. Or even earlier if you’re comfortable doing so. If you wait until the last minute you’ll be stressed, add things you don’t need, and forget about things you actually need (#BeenThereDoneThat).
Most baby showers are held around 30 weeks, because later you’re too tired to host it. Also, some babies can come earlier than expected.
Before the baby I also thought picking a stroller was a simple task. Until I realized how wrong I was and I need to really research what I want and need to save me frustration, time and money.
2. Don’t Necessarily Stick to One Registry
For your own sanity, you may think you want to have everything in one place. Most people instantly go to Amazon for that. While Amazon Baby Registry has its benefits, I regret not looking into other places for some items.
Also, depending on the time of the year Amazon prices can increase, which means you’d be overpaying for things you can get elsewhere for less.
Creating multiple registries will also open your possibilities to more freebies (more on that later on).
3. Put Gift Cards on Baby Registry
I never thought about that, but gift cards are the most helpful thing. Why?
Let’s say you registered for a baby teething toy. Baby arrives, get frustrated with teething and you proudly handle the baby a teething toy… just to find out he hates it and wants something else. A true story with both of my babies actually. That’s what you need a gift card for, things you might not have thought of at first.
4. Don’t Forget to Put Expensive Things on the Registry
Do you want to get a $1000 stroller or a $500 car seat? Are you afraid some family members will be looking at your like your lost your mind? They mind, but who cares?!
Someone might still gift it to you, but there’s an awesome little baby registry hack called group gifting (on Amazon Baby Registry.) Your people can contribute a dollar amount towards the total cost of the item, so if they can only afford a small percentage of it they can do it.
In my opinion, it’s way better than putting a bunch of small crap that you really don’t need, but feel awkward about putting expensive things on the list.
Even if this item is left on your registry, you’ll end up getting a discount when you buy it yourself (I’ll explain it later).
5. Don’t Get Sucked Into All These Baby Registry Must Haves
You might think I’m contradicting myself, because this post is supposed to give you the best tips on creating a baby registry, but I’ll be real: there’s a real difference between things you actually need or get sucked into wanting because you keep seeing all your friends or influencers talking about it.
I wrote a post about a minimalistic baby registry and what you actually need because I’ve seen it all. Pregnant American women are getting scared of being minimalistic in regards to baby items and maximizing credit cards or going into debt (thanks Affirm and Afterpay) on gadgets they could totally live without.
I’ve seen friends’ registries that looked like they’re about to open a daycare, not just have one baby.
Baby items are a multi-million dollar industry and good marketing will make any product a baby registry must have item. If you think about it though, people had babies way before Doona stroller or Owlet sock were a thing? They still do.
6. Add Things for Yourself
Don’t feel weird about adding things for yourself. After all, it’s you who carried that baby in your womb for 10 months (yeah, practically it’s 10 months).
You want a loungewear or robe? Or maybe simply a new lotion or coffee cup? Why not. A nursing tank or a no-spill cup is actually a must for a mom to keep her sane when taking care of the baby.

Best Places for a Baby Registry
Most places give you a baby registry gift box just for registering and a coupon code to use after your shower to purchase items left on your baby registry. It’s pretty incredible how many free items one can get just for registering.
Target Baby Registry – Free kit in-store and 15% off coupon code for everything left in your baby registry to buy or add 2 months before the due date.
Amazon Baby Registry – Free gift box after you complete 60% of the registry & 15% off completion discount for Prime members & 10% off for non-members. The discount code will appear 60 days before your due date and is valid for two orders with a maximum discount of $300 for prime members.
Walmart Baby Registry – Gets you a free welcome box, but no completion discount.
Buy Buy Baby Registry – Free goodie bag in store and samples online. 15% off completion discount.
Babylist Registry – It’s not a store, but it allows you to add things from any store, so if you want to receive a bamboo baby onesie from a store that’s external it’s completely possible to add it. You get a welcome box (with some conditions) and it’s the best box you can get.
Also, don’t forget you can sign up for Enfamil and Similac free formula samples. They won’t send them until a month or so before your due date. Even if you plan on breastfeeding it’s nice to have a backup in case you want to supplement or change your mind.

Advantages of Amazon Baby Registry
Keep one registry public. I usually suggest Amazon (here are my top recommendations). Similar to Babylist Registry, one of the coolest things about the Amazon Baby Registry is that it lets you add items from ANY website.
However, if you do a registry, items ship from Amazon, but you won’t get the 365-day return period.
If you’re an Amazon Prime member, be sure to take advantage of Amazon Family and get 20% off diapers and baby food. It automatically adds your child if you have a registry.
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