Debating between Cybex Gazelle vs Uppababy Vista? When it comes to single strollers in the US you will often see a ton of Uppababy Vista strollers on the East Coast and plenty of Nuna Demi on the West Coast. Why? Ironically, not because they’re the best on the market but because people automatically assume that since a lot of parents are using it, then it must be the best stroller. I know, I fell for it too with my first child and ended up buying Uppababy Vista – which didn’t suit us well.
While Uppababy Vista can work well enough in big cities as a single stroller or a stroller for twins, when it comes to double and siblings of different ages many parents are realizing that it’s not the best stroller.
We decided to switch to Cybex Gazelle S when we had a second child, so I can easily compare Uppababy Vista vs Cybex Gazelle strollers.
Similarities between Uppababy Vista & Cybex Gazelle:
- both high-end strollers from reputable brands
- two tandem seats
- option of ride-on board
- both have extended canopies with peekaboo window
- compatible with bassinets
- same-size all-wheel suspension with foam-filled tires
It would seem that these two strollers are somehow comparable, but they couldn’t be more different when it comes to the important things. Ultimately, anyone who tried both strollers

Differences between Uppababy and Cybex Gazelle:
- Seat size
The most crucial and biggest difference between the two strollers is that both seats on Gazelle can accommodate kids up to 50 lbs and they’re equally sized. While on Uppababy Vista the bottom seat is a Rumble seat, which is smaller with only 35lbs capacity. For a 2.5-year-old it feels small and if they’re on the chunkier side you won’t be able to use it.
- Seat configurations
Cybex Gazelle offers more configurations. On Uppababy you would need to sit the younger sibling on the bottom, because this is where the Rumble Seat (smaller seat) can fit exclusively. The bassinet also can only be fit at the bottom on Uppababy and while it’s the same issue with Cybex if you buy Cloud Q car seat it can be fitted on top without an adapter while fully reclined.
- Space between seats
Seats on Vista sit higher overall than on Gazelle. The top seat sits about 2-3 inches higher which is high and if you’re short it can get in your view. The bottom seat is only about half an inch lower on Gazelle, but the footrest can go up on Gazelle.
The front seat on Vista doesn’t have a wiggle room, so the kid who sits on top gets their feet squished. On Gazelle, there’s some wiggle room on the seat and it offers about an inch more space which can be crucial.

- Recline
The recline on Vista is angled which means that your child will always be in a seated position even when reclined backwards. On Gazelle the recline is flat.
- Folding as a double
Cybex Gazelle folds easily as a double in any configuration, but Uppababy Vista seats must be world-facing and in the correct position to fold as one piece.
- Warranty and spare parts
Both strollers come from reputable brands. Uppababy even provides stroller maintenance services in different cities around the US. However, while it might not be important to everyone the fact that Uppababy truly operates in North America and the UK might be an issue because you cannot get service everywhere.
For example, when my Uppababy was broken on the way to Italy the brand handled the warranty, but I had to wait to get a replacement seat until I got back to the US or went to the UK. Meanwhile, Cybex operates pretty much worldwide and you can find spare parts or accessories almost anywhere.
Final Verdict: Cybex Gazelle vs Uppababy Vista
After trying both Cybex Gazelle and Uppababy Vista it was easy to see that Cybex was a clear winner. It offered better configuration, longer usage, more service options and was slightly cheaper.
However, it doesn’t mean that if I had to pick between these two strollers again I’d pick Cybex Gazelle. Ultimately, I quickly realized that a big tandem stroller for two children, once the younger one stopped being a newborn, wasn’t the best solution and ended up using Zoe Twin way more.
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