Ergobaby is a reputable brand mostly known for its baby carriers, but they also make other things like bouncers or strollers. I recently had a chance to test the compact Egobaby Metro+ stroller and I think that if you’re willing to forgo a cabin size requirement on every airline because you don’t fly much, it could be a good option as it features a flat recline and opportunity to be used from birth without any adapters or car seat.
Pros & Minor Cons of Ergobaby Metro Plus Stroller
Age Range – Newborn to 40 pounds (18kg)
Stroller Weight – 13.6 pounds (6.3kg)
Folded Size – 20.4 x 21.2 x 9 inches (52 x 54 x 23cm)
Maneuverability & Design
The stroller gives a comfortable ride thanks to the relatively large rubber tires and inbuilt suspension. Honestly, it rides smoothly but it’s not an off-road stroller like some full-sized ones. It did well on some forest pathways.
The brake is awesome and while it may seem like just a minor feature of the stroller, I think it’s a pretty important one. For instance, while I love Babyzen Yoyo stroller I’m always struggling with releasing the brake with sandals or heels. With Ergobaby there’s no issue as it can be engaged and released so easily.
Many parents complain that a brake placed in the middle can cause kicking it accidentally, but it’s not the case with Ergo. My husband whose 6’1 never had an issue. Speaking of taller parents – the handlebar is adjustable, which is surely unusual in the world of compact strollers and a huge plus of Ergobaby Metro.
The underneath basket is pretty big for a compact stroller. It doesn’t have any awkward bars in the way, so it can fit an entire bag or backpack in there.
The wheels are okayish. They didn’t move very well on gravel or dirt road if I’m honest and while I haven’t tried it on cobblestones I don’t think it would do great.

Folding and Unfolding of Ergobaby Metro Plus
The fold isn’t difficult and technically could be a one-hand fold, but requires multiple steps. There’s a handle attached to the seat which makes the stroller easy to carry.
The folding works smoothly and requires a two-push motion with one hand and the seat folds. Then, you need to either grab the stroller and close it or lift it by the handle. The stroller will stand after you complete the second step (I use my legs to fully close the stroller without having to lift it). It sounds complicated when I describe it, but it’s really not.
For me personally, a stroller I can fold with one hand while holding the baby has always been a requirement as I’ve traveled solo with a baby a lot, but if you’re planning travels with a partner then it’s not an issue.
When it comes to unfolding the stroller I must admit it’s a clumsy process. The stroller doesn’t just open, I have to keep flipping it and use both hands until it finally clicks and then push it with a foot. I did notice that it works better when my husband opens it up, so might be an issue of not having enough force possibly?
Does Ergobaby Metro stroller fit in the overhead bin of the aircraft?
It might, but it might not fit. You might hear from people that they took their stroller in the cabin and while it could be true, with Ergobaby stroller it’s not guaranteed.
Ergobaby Metro+ has 1 inch more depth than Joolz Aer and on my last trip, Joolz fit and was allowed twice, once it physically didn’t fit in the cabin and one time they made me wake up the baby at check-in and take him out and fold the stroller as they wanted to measure it at check-in so I’m never going to say that some stroller fits for sure when it might not.

Seat Compartment, Recline & Canopy
The seat is definitely an advantage of this stroller. Your child can enjoy a good snooze on the pretty much flat recline seat and put their feet up using the flip-up footrest.
The recline is adjustable so you can use many angles, unlike in some other strollers. It also has AGR Seal for Ergonomics. The brand says they’re the most padded seat and while it’s measured by a 3rd party I honestly must agree with this statement. It IS indeed the softest and most padded seat of all compact strollers.
The only thing is it would also be great if the seat color came in lighter colors and other than black to hide the unavoidable food or milk marks. Even after one trip I already had to un-stain the seat.
If you have a newborn, you can set up a cocoon for the baby to sleep in – it creates something bassinet-like. Simply fold up the in-built footrest and clip in the sides of the newborn nest because my child is messy.
If your child is over 4 months old and you don’t need the newborn cocoon option anymore you can still easily fully recline the stroller for naps. The footrest is fully and easily adjustable as well.

The Metro+ stroller has a great extendible UPF 50 sun canopy and honestly, it’s the best part of the stroller. It can cover almost an entire child, it’s easy to unfold and fold and the peekaboo window works great!
The only downside of the canopy is that when it’s fully folded it touches the parental handlebar, so I don’t like folding it completely. While the handlebar is adjustable it happens regardless of the position.
Now the downside… when the seat is fully reclined it’s basically impossible to hit the brake and that’s pretty bad. However, let’s face reality – this is why almost none of the compact travel strollers don’t fully recline, as it’s always an issue unless the brake is on the side next to the wheel – which then makes it harder to open with sandals on.

The stroller doesn’t come with many accessories apart from the rain shield, but you can purchase a carry bag that turns into a backpack or footmuff separately. Ergobaby also sells a bumper bar for only $30 and it can be folded with the stroller.
Another cool feature is that for just $30 you can buy a canopy in a different color. I love to change up the colors so naturally, I’m very happy that’s an option with Ergobaby Metro Plus stroller.
Most important for parents of multiple kids is that you can now attach a buggy board to your Ergobaby. It is only a standing option, so I wouldn’t do it for 2 under 2, but it works fine for 4 year olds.
Final Verdict: Ergobaby Metro Plus Review
Do I recommend Ergobaby Metro+ stroller? I would, because while it has some noticeable drawbacks it wouldn’t be fair to compare it to strollers like Babyzen Yoyo, Joolz Aer, or Bugaboo Butterfly. It’s also undeniably better than Silvercross Jet or GB Pockit – feels like it’s from a completely different league.
Ergobaby Metro is almost half of the price of mentioned strollers when you add car seat adapters or bassinets, which makes it more accessible to families who might not be traveling all the time and don’t want to spend the money on a more luxurious travel stroller.
When you factor in the relatively lower price point and the fact that you can use Ergobaby Metro from birth without anything extra I believe it’s a good option!
Hi I came across your site through another compact/travel stroller review. have you reviewed or used the Uppababy Minu before? looking at getting a Minu V2 or a Yoyo. Would be used for more than travel because we sometimes take public transit and currently have to fold up our stroller in order to get on during rush hours, so it would have to hold up to the uneven terrain and more frequent use.
Wondering your opinion? The yoyo looks great but unsure if the fold is too complicated and worth the price difference to the Minu V2.
I’ve used Minu and currently writing a full review (here you can see how it compares to other strollers:
Honestly, the fold of Yoyo isn’t complicated… the first step is just a little push on the canopy and the whole fold takes seconds. It unfolds with one hand like a breeze vs…
while Minu folds easily you need both hands to unfold it due to the side lock – that’s pretty annoying. Uppababy Minu is a solid stroller but compared to Yoyo it’s HUGE when folded and it won’t fit on many overhead bins. The biggest cons of Minu would be the absolutely comical and useless bumper bar (baby is squished by it) and flimpsy canopy, but otherwise, it’s good. Personally, both myself and friends agree that while it’s a great stroller it’s not small enough when folded.
I came across your blog and couldn’t help to say what a great resource this is! I find myself with multiple travel strollers as well. I have the BabyZen yo-yo and practically use it more than my uppababy vista mainly because it’s just so much easier to use including for malls, Dr appointments, quick grocery stores. I was able to get my hands on an ergo baby metro at an excellent price locally. My initial thoughts were to resell, but now when I compare it to the BabyZen I feel that there are major pluses including how the seat fully reclines, adjustable handle bars, the fuller bottom basket is more accessible. Do you think I would necessary need 2 travel strollers if by the time my second child will be arriving, my eldest will be about 2.
Depends on the child and what you need a stroller for. If you child will like to walk and you’re only planning very short excursions (and I mean like 10 min to the playground), then you could go without a stroller. Will your older child still nap and you want to be out and about all day? My older stopped napping before 2, but many kids nap until 4 and then if you’re out they want to rest and nap in a stroller. Do you need to get places quickly? Even if your 2 year old is willingly walking at 2 you will be moving around at a snail speed… so realistically you need a buggy board with a seat for a 2 year old for daily activities, but for all days of travels when you’re sightseeing I highly recommend keeping the second stroller until way later than 2.
I know you say it isn’t fair to compare it to the BabyZen Yoyo. But if you did compare, what are it’s drawbacks? Or potential pros compared to the yoyo? Thanks! There is a sale that makes the yoyo pretty similar in price to the Metro+ – so I am trying to decide which one to pick. I really like the newborn features of the Metro+.
Definitely go for the Yoyo then! The wheels are way superior and make the stroller wobble less. The fold & unfold is much easier and folded Yoyo is smaller. The canopy is smaller on Yoyo, but then it doesn’t leave a ton of material crunching up on the seat (as pictured in the article) or over the parental handlebar. For the newborn feature, you could get a newborn pack for Yoyo (it’s an extra cost, but Yoyo & accessories resell well vs Ergo not really!), plus if you think about it… you’ll only use the newborn feature for 5 months or so, but you’ll be using the stroller for a few years so I always say go with what gives you more in the long run. And speaking of that, if you ever decide to have another child Yoyo offers a buggy board vs Ergo only has some standing which isn’t practical for longer trips.
Hi, which lightweight stroller would you recommend for tall parents? I am considering ergobaby matro plus over the others as I can’t find any information on adjustable handle bar for babyzen yoyo2 and others.
How tall are we talking? My husband is 6’1 and he had no issues with Yoyo. Friend’s husband is 6’3 and also it felt fine. I’m honestly not sure if I’d give up on the easiness of folding and smaller size for about half an inch handle difference on Ergo.
I am looking to purchase a compact stroller not so much for air travel or anything like that more so I have the space in my vehicle when we travel and for ease of use when out running errands. My baby is very tall and I’ve been going back and forth between several strollers for weeks. It’s stressing me out now lol. It’s between the Ergobaby metro plus, babyzen yoyo, nuna trvl and really any stroller recommended because is m beyond indecisive. Any advice?
Anything but the Nuna Trvl, because it’s really horrendous in the long run and awful for taller kids (and by taller I mean older than 1.5 years really). Personally I’ll always pick a Yoyo.