After trying basically every single wagon stroller on the market we had a few top contenders, but neither seemed ideal. Until I stumbled upon Larkdale Caravan and I instantly felt like I was getting my money’s worth. It ticked all the boxes, but there was one issue: it was on the bigger side so wasn’t truly travel-friendly.
As a result, I also purchased Larkdale Caravan Coupe, its smaller and lighter cousin. A few months later, it’s the only wagon we keep using regularly and I can honestly say that it’s the best stroller wagon for 2 kids.
I’ll go over why this is our favorite wagon in my review and compare Larkdale Caravan vs Coupe models, as I own both. As usual, this review isn’t influenced and I paid for both stroller wagons myself.
Pros & Minor Cons of Larkdale Caravan Coupe

Maneuverability, Size & Design
Honestly, no wagon or double stroller is easy to maneuver if you consider all the weight of kids and the stuff you load on it. But, some of them are easier to manage than others. We had zero issues maneuvering the Coupe or Caravan wagons. The handle angle can be changed, so you can adjust it to your height as well.
You can push the Coupe one-handed as it’s so compact, which is honestly never the case with any other wagon apart from Evenflo Pivot, but my older son stopped fitting in comfortably at 3 years old. It’s a very smooth push and effortless on pavement and grassy areas.
Both models have a foldable pull handle that can be removed, so if you’re going to the beach you will want to use it. I won’t deny that it’s easy to pull it on the beach, but none of the wagons are. Even Veer wagon while it’s best for the beach it’s still going to be hard.
Front wheels can be locked in place for rougher terrain like gravel or sand, and the break is a flip-friendly red button in the middle. The push is comparable to the Uppababy Vista stroller that pushes like a charm.

Folding & Traveling with Larkdale Wagon Stroller
Honestly, the biggest drawback of stroller wagons is having to transport them in a vehicle, load them on a plane, and deal with the weight. While we have a truck and a few stroller wagons that can fit on it just fine, having to lift most of them is a hassle and a big reason why we never bring Wonderfold anywhere unless we can get there by walking. The Larktale is so much lighter and easier to get in the car.
Larkdale Caravan Coupe folds small and it’s super easy to bring. We brought Radio Flyer wagon on the plane as its lightweight folds are small, but the Larkdale Coupe offers way more than that without sacrificing the functions of seats, recline, footwell and canopies. On the Caravan model our canopies came with a rain cover and bug nets as well, which was a nice touch.

We brought our Coupe for a Christmas markets trip to Austria and France and it worked great! The only downside was that American Airlines didn’t let us gate-check (they won’t let you gate-check any bigger strollers or double ones) it and we had to give it up with the luggage.
Larkdale Caravan still folds in an okayish size, but the canopies have to be detached unless you want to have a very big item. It’s not an issue, as they clip right on, but it’s an extra step that as parents, we all prefer to avoid.
I will say that the fact that the canopies are built into Coupe makes it less convenient for taller kids as there’s more headspace on Caravan full-size model.

Storage Spaces
The parental console stays on and can hold a decent amount of stuff like a phone, wallet, drink, random wipes, or snacks. A snack console for the kids is included with Coupe, but honestly not needed as the wagon has a side pocket they can store their drinks.
Would it have been nice if there were storage pockets both in the front and back on Coupe like there are on Caravan? Sure, but then the wagon would have to be heavier, so the small mesh pocket only can do its job.
Unless you buy a 4 seater wagon for 2 kids, most stroller wagons don’t offer a lot of storage for an overpacker. For us, it was a decent amount of storage on Coupe and way too much on Caravan full-size. We practically never used the storage bag up front and thought it was making it longer and therefore less convenient, but at the same time we’re very minimalistic.

Kids Comfort in Larkdale Caravan Coupe
Larkdale Caravan wagon is big enough to fit even the biggest kids. The seats are surely taller on the full-size Caravan, but than as a result, it doesn’t fold as well as Coupe. The seat backs are high enough to be comfortable for my toddler and there’s plenty of legroom. Even with two pretty big 5 year old you can have enough space, which isn’t always the case.
I was worried that on Larkdale Coupe the kids comfort would be slightly sacrificed as the whole thing is more compact. However there’s only slightly less legroom (about half an inch). The seat backs are high enough to be comfortable for a 4-year-old in the 90th percentile of height.
The footwell is awesome for legroom for kids, but you can zip it up so they can lay down on both models – no need for a plastic box hack like we had to do on Evenflo Pivot Xplor.
Canopies are extendable and can cover the entire wagon. Both kids love to hide underneath the canopies and it’s fantastic for naps. There’s enough room for the cat to tag along for the ride as well.

Advantages of Larkdale Coupe vs Wonderfold and Other Wagons
Speaking of naps, both models have reclining seats which is very unusual for wagons. Larkdale is the only one that has reclining seats that isn’t sacrificing leg space when reclining.
In comparison, Jeep Deluxe and Wonderfold have reclining seats, but the seats have to be moved to the center of the wagon so the clip can be repositioned to recline.
Another advantage of the wagon is that the sides are high enough to keep children safe, but short enough for them to climb over it. A 2-year old can easily get in and out by himself, which is nice.
We can’t do it on Wonderfold because my kids refuse to crawl under the seat on a dirty floor to get out of the wagon (I don’t blame them) so we had to insert them every single time.

Caravan is about an inch longer and the space between the canopies and seat can be extended.
Larkdale Caravan vs Coupe
Personally, I feel like Coupe is more than enough and there’s no need to get the Caravan. Unless, you have more than 2 kids – then you can get a bench with 2 seats for the Larkdale Caravan version.
What I love about Coupe is the visibility when pushing it. The lowness to the ground helps to see what’s in front of you. That’s something that the canopies on Caravan are blocking if you’re shorter. There’s the same issue on Wonderfold, Keenz and Jeep Deluxe.

Larkdale Caravan Coupe Review Verdict:
In all honesty, this is a fantastic wagon that I would recommend to friends. Despite being heavier than Evenflo Pivot, it simply offers more comfort for the kids and drives just as smoothly.
With the recline function on the seats and how well they’re padded, unlike other wagons Larkdale can be a more compact replacement for a double stroller as it lets the kids nap on the go. Plus, it folds much smaller than any other double stroller.
It’s the best 2-seater wagon stroller on the market, along with Radio Flyer Voya.
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